Singer is considering filing a formal complaint with BBC radio station

Mar 21, 2009 09:56 GMT  ·  By
Michael Jackson wants BBC to apologize for comparing him with IRA terrorists
   Michael Jackson wants BBC to apologize for comparing him with IRA terrorists

“This Is It,” Michael Jackson’s first series of live shows in many years, has prompted a lot of speculation, on whether he will be physically able to pull off 50 dates or on whether he will be getting more plastic surgery for his splashing comeback. One thing that the tour did not warrant, though, was a comparison with IRA terrorists, as two comedians from BBC Radio 4 did the other day, leaving the pop star furious and thinking of filing a formal complain.

Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis were speaking of the ‘80s and the stars that caused a sensation in the media of the time, when they compared Michael Jackson with IRA terrorists. The singer reportedly got word of the not-too-veiled insult and was almost reduced to tears by it. Moreover, Jackson is now considering seeking legal action against BBC for the slur, having already spoken to AEG Live, the organizer of the “This Is It” tour in view of this.

“I can’t believe which 80s celebrities I want back less, Michael Jackson or the IRA.” the presenters said on air. What only made matters worse, BBC also described the program in “similar terms,” writing on the official website, “Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis discuss the return to Britain of undesirables from Michael Jackson to the IRA.” Fans and the media alike were outraged at the comparison, taking to dedicated forums to vent and express their anger at the uncalled-for insult, several media British outlets are reporting.

Michael Jackson, in his turn, was left fuming mad when he heard of the slur. “Michael was told about the comments and was appalled. It was a disgusting slur. To compare him to cold-blooded murderers is not funny. It’s highly offensive.” an unnamed source told The Mirror. The same insider revealed that Jackson had already spoken with his concerned organizers, and was thinking of filing a formal complaint with the BBC. He has already contacted BBC and is now waiting for an official apology for the insult.

The poor joke was made as the two comedians brought up for discussion the murder of two British soldiers by the Real IRA a few days ago. So far, BBC has refused to comment on the situation.