Researchers say 4 in 10 women experience this menopause symptom

Oct 18, 2013 17:36 GMT  ·  By

Four in ten women get more forgetful once they enter menopause, evidence suggests. More precisely, they experience a 40% decline in their concentration levels and memory abilities.

Besides, it appears that they find themselves having a more difficult time carrying our daily tasks and learning new things, researchers say.

Speaking at a recent meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Boston, Professor Martha Hickey with the Melbourne University explained that, all things considered, said menopause symptoms need be linked to lower estrogen levels.

Thus, a drop in the body concentrations of this hormone is believed to affect brain areas such as the hippocampus, and the middle and the prefrontal cortex, all of which have been documented to play a part in memory and concentration.

On the other hand, it is possible that the poor (sometimes even lack of) sleep that women face during menopause also has a say in the matter.

“Clearly, losing your memory or feeling your concentration is failing is distressing and for many women it may affect their productivity and ability to get on with their lives,” specialist Martha Hickey said, as cited by Daily Mail.

“Cognitive concentration complaints are common in the menopause,” she added.