Study shows men tell six lies a day, double than their female partners

Sep 14, 2009 18:21 GMT  ·  By

No matter the purpose and / or the context, they say a lie is still a lie and, as such, it can only harm someone in the long run – most likely, the person telling it. With all this, a new study comes to reveal that we can’t even begin to grasp how many lies we hear everyday, with men telling lies an average of six times a day, the Daily Express informs.

Surprisingly enough, the study in question also reveals that men are bigger liars than women, deliberately being untruthful twice as much as their ladies. And they’re not even picky as to whom they lie to, choosing anyone from their work colleagues, to their boss and, of course, the partner who’s waiting for them at home, the findings of the survey conducted in Great Britain indicate.

“Men tell six fibs a day on average to their partner, boss and work colleagues. That’s 42 a week, 2,184 a year, or a staggering 126,672 in an average lifetime. But women come out with just three porkies a day – or 68,796 in a lifetime.” the aforementioned publication says of the poll. The survey was conducted by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment to mark the DVD launch of “Lie to Me” Season 1 and it has also revealed that what men and women have in common is their favorite lie: “Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.”

Regarding the survey, body language expert Richard Newman tells the media that we don’t know when we’re being lied to because we don’t know how to read the signs or, on the contrary, are looking for the wrong ones. “Body language is a great way of telling someone is lying. Yet most people can’t read the signals. They assume someone hiding the truth avoids eye contact. The opposite is true. Liars usually do everything they can to convince you – sitting still and looking at you to watch your reaction. Touching your face and rapid blinking are massive giveaways. But even the world’s top expert can only read up to 85 per cent of lies from body language.” Newman says.

Among the lies men are likely to say on a frequent basis, we find, “No, your bum doesn’t look big in that,” “Sorry, I missed your call” and “I didn’t have that much to drink.” Women, on the other hand, lie a lot about things such as, “Oh, this is new, I’ve had it for ages,” “It wasn’t that expensive,” “It was in the sale” and “I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it.” “I’ve got a headache” also made the cut at number eight of the top 10 lies women say daily.