The lovely actress shares her gaming cred

Jun 26, 2009 20:51 GMT  ·  By

Hollywood actors are just like everyone else, despite the fact that they appear in fantastic movies and make much more money than the rest of us, regular people. But this doesn't mean that they don't enjoy a fun video game every once in a while.

One of the most talked about actresses in recent years is the lovely Megan Fox, who made her blockbuster debut in the first Transformers movie, and is back on the silver screen giving life to Shia LaBeouf's girlfriend, Mikaela, in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

In order to promote the movie and its video game tie-in made by Activision, the actress has revealed that she really likes to play games and that she has some great skills at Mortal Kombat, the famous fighting series of video games from Midway.

“Anything Mortal Kombat. I have that down and I don't cheat,” said Fox. “That game just works well with my brain. The way my brain fires signals works well with how that game works. And I'm just really good.”

She also revealed that she had a lot of the Fatality moves memorized, but some of them are giving her a hard time, “Most of them. Not all of them. The Mortal Kombat that just came out (Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe), I hated playing as Superman. His combos were so weird. I don't know, I just thought it was lame.”

But while she may seem hardcore for enjoying such a franchise, she also confessed to enjoying Viva Pinata, a video game made for the Xbox 360 platform by Rare. “I also like to go back to a game called Viva Piñata every once in a while, which is really embarrassing. But it's kind of addicting. You're nursing this garden of piñatas and it's a lot of fun.”

So, there you have it, gamers, even attractive actresses like Megan Fox enjoy some video games from time to time.