Star tells Matt Lauer all actors are basically insecure

Sep 15, 2009 14:24 GMT  ·  By
Megan Fox says it’s insecurity that drives actors to pursue a career in film
   Megan Fox says it’s insecurity that drives actors to pursue a career in film

Megan Fox has become by now like an encyclopedia of bad quotes, with many a media outlet often poking fun at the way she simply allows herself to go with the flow and speak whatever comes to her mind. In her latest interview, though, with Matt Lauer for Today, the “Transformers” star keeps it very simple when talking about her insecurities as a woman, her estimates about an acting career and even refrains from dissing “Transformers” director Michael Bay again.

According to the gorgeous star, all actors are extremely insecure, and she is clearly not an exception from that. However, it’s women in particular who feel the most pressure and who always have problems with their self-esteem, Megan says, stressing what she said in an older interview about how she hated to be in the spotlight because she lacked confidence in herself.

“I think all actors are pretty insecure. I mean, in general. Obviously, I can’t speak for everybody, but I think that’s what drives us into this business, that insecurity. Especially being a woman, I think all women have some deep-seated insecurities. For whatever reason, because of how we’re raised, because of society. It’s hard having so much focus put on you all the time… because you’re always questioning yourself, second-guessing yourself… You can’t please all of the people all of the time.” Fox tells Lauer in the interview.

This is all the more true, Fox adds, as she has come to regard Hollywood “like a high school,” where everybody judges everybody, and bickers and gossips behind people’s back. She, for one, is sick of being constantly judged and having the entire world say one thing or another about her, but she has somehow come to terms with the fact  that this is just the way things are and there’s no changing them. At the same time, Fox points out to the irony in the fact that she’s just at the beginning of her career.

“Mainly, I [am] just happy to be working and I continue to get these opportunities. I try to make choices that are different from whatever project I was last working on… I’ve been lucky enough to surround myself with extremely talented people.” she says when Lauer asks her how she aims to set herself apart from the “Transformers” franchise. She’s still “green” and “new” to the acting thing, Megan insists, when Lauer pushes her to answer whether “Jennifer’s Body” (unlike “Transformers”) has allowed her to truly put her acting skills to work.

See below for the full, six-minute interview.

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