This is a service provided by Canonical for tracking major bugs and problems

May 13, 2014 13:34 GMT  ·  By

Canonical has a number of interesting services running and most of them are known to users, but others don't usually pop up in conversations. This is just the case with, a tracker that shows what the most common errors found in Ubuntu systems are.

Every time you send an error report when something crashes in your Ubuntu-powered machine, the Error tracker ( is one of the places where it ends up. This services collects all the reports, displays them in a more human way, and quantifies them, with the help of some nice graphics.

In this way it's easier to see what some of the packages that cause the most distress for the developers are, and users can even see if their problem is something that was already reported by the community.

For example, one of the most annoying issues in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS seems to have occurred with VLC, but the problem has been fixed in the meantime. Another one is with Chromium, and the developers are still working on it.

We need to specify that the reason why the error rate appears to be higher during launches is because the system is not perfect. It only shows the problems, not all the systems out there. A healthy system that didn't send a report is not shown in the graphics, which explains the spikes.

Users should check, because they might find some answers for some of the most pressing problems.