Using the power of the mind

Mar 13, 2008 18:06 GMT  ·  By

I tell you, Chinese men are precious. They wont's leave you starving even when a kitchen is not nearby. "The power of mind" can have a very realistic meaning in the case of He Tieheng, a mystic Chinese who does not need to keep a cooking machine in the house. That's because the cooking machine is himself: he can cook food only using his mind power. The auto-denominated Fire God explains his unusual deeds through the use of the Qigong technique for focusing his psychopneumatological brainwaves on the food.

In front of a theater audience of 7,000, Tieheng made the fish start smoking and change color within a minute of holding it between his hands.

"Afterwards he had black soot on his hands where the fish was singed," said Mei Lee, 29, who witnessed this at The Lark Theater in Guangzhou (southern China).

"I once cooked a carp thinking about a gas range belting out 1,000oC heat," said Tieheng.

The media signaled, in 2007, the similar case of the Electric Man: the 71 year-old Zhang Deke, a retired highway maintainer from Altay city of China's westernmost Xinjiang, is able to stand charges (and he charges himself) of 220V of electricity passing through his body as a form of routine"exercise" to keep himself fit!

With both his hands grabbing onto live wires, Mr Zhang shows his "physical conductor" capacity, being able to even control their brightness. But the best part is that with the current passing through his body, he can "cook" a live fish in only 2 minutes! Local people often call him "Electric Man", or "Wonder Man". Zhang also employs his unique ability to cure his friends and relatives of conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis and lumbago, and his "treatment" seems to be really effective.

On average, a low-voltage (110 to 220 V) passing through a person's chest for a fraction of a second can cause ventricular fibrillation even at a current as low as 60mA. With direct current, 300 to 500 mA is required. If the current has a direct pathway to the heart, a much lower current (less than 1 mA) can cause fibrillation. Above 200mA, the heart muscles are paralyzed. The 220 V is the charge delivered, for example, by an electric eel to kill a man.