Developers can track standard application metrics in applications

Mar 2, 2010 08:54 GMT  ·  By

Medialets, the rich media ad and analytics platform for mobile, announced on Monday an extended Medialytics offering through the release of a new Analytics Software Developers Kit (SDK) that can be used for the development of Android and Blackberry applications. According to the company, the new solution is meant to offer developers the possibility to track standard application metrics and to measure custom user events in their software solutions aimed for the two mobile operating systems.

“These SDKs extend Medialets analytics offerings beyond the iPhone, reflecting the strong growth in Blackberry and Android development. Our analytics SDKs provide developers with a single dashboard that allows for the measurement and tracking of basic metrics as well as complex custom events within all of their Blackberry and Android apps (and iPhone of course). Now you can view deep, customized analytics for your apps across multiple platforms, to make the most informed improvements to your apps,” the company notes on its website.

The new solution enables developers to build their applications so as to capture the metrics that interest them the most, and to store a large amount of data with their custom events. When it comes to a game developer, the application can be set to track not only the level a player achieves in the game, but also the objects the user collects. Content apps can deliver info on how a user got to a specific article, how long the page was opened, and more.

According to the company, the integration of the new Analytics SDK is a simple process, which should not take more than a few hours to complete. As soon as the integration is achieved, the data will be delivered in a comprehensive dashboard that offers standard reporting metrics. Both BlackBerry and Android developers should then be able to deliver enhancements based on the insights the app provides on user behavior, the company adds.

“Medialets offers analytics that support the high level of innovation that’s going into to Blackberry and Android apps, and go well beyond the basic metrics of simply counting downloads.” said Medialets CEO Eric Litman. “These insights help developers to deeply understand what users do and don’t do with their applications and empower them to make critical decisions about where to focus their valuable development resources.” Additional details are available on the company's website.