Apr 4, 2011 15:29 GMT  ·  By

He may not strike you as the type to struggle with his anger, but appearances can be deceiving. On the latest episode of Celebrity Apprentice, singer Meat Loaf had one of the biggest meltdowns ever in reality television – and you can see it below.

The object of his rage was none other than actor Gary Busey, who for the world couldn’t understand what he’d done wrong to get Meat Loaf on such a rampage.

As it later turned out, he’d done nothing. Meat flew off the handle when he assumed (erroneously) that the paints and sponges Gary was using were actually his.

Instead of asking around to see if others had seen his, he just lashed out at the actor, accusing him of stealing them from him – but without actually saying that.

“I bought those mother[expletive]-ing sponges,” Meat Loaf yells, charging at Gary until someone else comes in between them.

“No. I have my receipt,” a clearly confused Busey replies. He’s not trying to get Meat even more riled up but it seems that whatever he says does exactly that.

“You look in my eyes, I am the last person in the [expletive]-ing world you ever [expletive]-ing want to [expletive] with!” he yells.

And, because it seemed to Meat that Busey was doing just that, the other guys had to cut in and restrain him lest he attacked the actor when he least expected it.

In the end, Meat Loaf’s paints are discovered in a bag under a chair, where they’d been all along.

Those thinking that the violence of the outburst might have cost him Gary’s friendship needn’t worry: after Meat Loaf calmed down, he apologized and he and Gary made up.

“I’ve gone to anger management, I've done that,” Meat Loaf said with tears in his eyes, admitting that controlling his anger had long been an issue with him.

“Meatloaf excelled to the level of dancing on the rainbow with no fear,” Gary Busey joked after he’d made peace with the singer.

Check out Meat Loaf’s outburst below.