Players weren't able to kill 3 million Reaper Banshees in the challenge

May 18, 2012 18:21 GMT  ·  By

After running a new multiplayer operation last weekend for Mass Effect 3, in the form of Operation Silencer, developer BioWare has now revealed that the challenge was a failure, as players were unable to kill the required number of 3 million Reaper Banshees.

Mass Effect 3 came out in March and, since then, developer BioWare has kept on organizing all sorts of special Operations in the multiplayer mode, tasking players with completing certain objectives throughout weekends, in exchange for special rewards like weapons or equipment.

While all previous challenges were a success, last weekend’s Operation Silencer was not, as BioWare has now revealed a special message from Mass Effect’s fictional Admiral Hackett, who informs the soldiers of the Milky Way alliance that the operation wasn’t completed, meaning they weren’t able to kill the required 3 million Banshees.

“It is with great regret that I must announce the withdrawal of forces from several colonies in Asari space,” he said. “Reinforcing them proved untenable. While Operation Silencer inflicted substantial casualties, the Reapers learned from our victories against the brutes, and they now know how to protect their own.”

BioWare does hint that the arsenal in the multiplayer mode will be upgraded soon enough and that a payback operation against the Reapers will be organized in the near future.

“Rest assured that we too are learning from this conflict. Already, we are implementing plans to supply our forces with a better arsenal so that, when we next meet the enemy, they are ours. Until your next deployment, keep calm and carry on. We will pay the Reapers back soon enough,” he added.

Bioware is reported to be preparing a new batch of downloadable content for Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer, in the form of the so-called Rebellion Pack, but nothing is certain as of yet.

Even if the operation was a failure, meaning the Victory packs will not be sent to players, those who managed to survive a gold match will still get their promised Commendation packs.