Find out what extra objectives BioWare will implement in the shooter's online mode

Jun 7, 2012 06:36 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has confirmed a brand new Mass Effect 3 multiplayer challenge for the upcoming weekend, with Operation Mastiff adding special objectives to the online mode in the third-person shooter.

Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer was enhanced last month with the release of the Rebellion DLC pack, which added new maps, characters, weapons and gear to the game’s online experience.

Now, after players had a chance to unlock some of the new content by buying equipment packs with in-game currency or real-life money, BioWare has revealed Operation Mastiff for the weekend spanning June 8 and June 10.

As always, the operation has two goals, one for individual players, which is to complete a silver difficulty match alongside a squad member who plays one of the new Rebellion characters, and one for the community, which is to complete 100,000 retrieval objectives during regular multiplayer matches.

Rewards include a Commendation pack for the individual goal, while the allied one earns people access to a Victory pack.

Operation Mastiff kicks off at 6pm PST on Friday, June 8, and ends at 4am PST on Monday, June 11.