You can play as a team and have a top notch strategy but you need luck

Mar 31, 2012 15:51 GMT  ·  By

I've shared with you quite a lot of tips for Mass Effect 3's multiplayer mode over the past few Gamer Diaries but, no matter how much strategy and teamwork you put into an online match, luck is still a very important aspect.

First of all, luck affects quite a few things before you even start a match. If you're playing with strangers on public servers, they might be skilled or they might not even know which people to shoot.

During the start of the match, you'll also be dependent on luck if you're playing on random maps and with random enemies. You could be fortunate and face off against Reapers on large levels like Firebase Dagger, or you could be unfortunate and go up against the sneaky Geth on smaller maps, like Firebase Glacier (Geth Pyros or Hunters are deadly in small spaces).

After the match begins, if you're following my previous advice, you'll stick together and act as a team, complementing each other's powers and always covering areas where enemies might make their appearance.

If you aren't that lucky, at the beginning of each wave you'll see your squad disperse into three different directions and only meet up with them if they're killed and need to be revived or in-between waves when they want to stock up on ammunition.

Without a doubt the key aspects of any Mass Effect 3 multiplayer match are the waves with objectives. These range from visiting four different areas of the map and hacking terminals, to staying in a single spot and uploading data, to killing priority enemies.

Almost all of them depend on luck. You can get off easy by having an uploading objective right where you were standing, but you can also face a tough time by needing to move right where your enemy is spawning.

I've had quite a few matches that ended unfortunately because we didn't have any luck with objectives. In these cases, it's important to know that it wasn't anyone's fault and that next time you might have a bit more luck during those critical Waves 3, 6 and 10.