Feb 9, 2011 10:45 GMT  ·  By

"Hundreds of thousands, if not millions" of Call of Duty: Black Ops players on the PlayStation 3 are more than happy with the shooter title, even if it was affected by plenty of problems up until now, according to Treyarch's Josh Olin.

Call of Duty: Black Ops has been suffering from a lot of issues on all platforms, but the PlayStation 3 in particular had it the worst, as even after six patches, things are still quite complicated.

Treyarch community manager Josh Olin doesn't really see it that way, and talked with Videogamer about the bugs in the game and how they affect all of the platforms, not just the PS3 or PC.

"The PS3 and the PC issues are not exclusive to the PS3 and PC - the Xbox 360 has had its own fair share of issues. Every platform has issues."

"It is unfortunate that those [bugs] have to exist at all. In an ideal would we would love to ship a completely bug-proof game. I can't think of a single developer in the world, though, that could achieve that," he added.

Even if PS3 Black Ops players have been the most vocal, with petitions and formal complaints calling for full refunds, Olin says that a lot of people congratulate Treyarch for the job well done and say they didn't encounter any problems.

"There's hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of players on the PS3 who have absolutely perfect, pristine experiences," he said. "I talk to them everyday - I see @replies to me on Twitter all the time from people going 'I don't know what people are complaining about. The game is perfect for me!' So they do exist. I know that doesn't make the people who are experiencing problems feel any better, but it should put it into perspective."

Olin also highlights the fact that keeping Black Ops' multiplayer mode online requires a lot of manpower, and that the Treyarch team is investigating all of the bug reports it receives.

"If you look at the population size of the Call of Duty franchise, just a single hour of gameplay collectively after the game's been out - you add up all the man-hours that all the fans put into it - that's more time than you could put into Quality Assurance in a lifetime."

"The sheer number of people [playing] is staggering, and they hit buttons and they hit glitches and walls in such weird, strange ways that we could never predict or think of," he said.

"Even if the bug is only hurting a hundred fans, if we can find the cause we'll patch it," he added.