The latest version of this distribution can be downloaded from Softpedia

Feb 24, 2014 16:09 GMT  ·  By

Manjaro, a Linux distribution based on well-tested snapshots of the Arch Linux repositories and 100% compatible with Arch, is now at version 0.8.9 and it's available for download.

After quite a few Release Candidates, the final version of this versatile and fun Arch-based Linux distribution has arrived and it packs quite a punch.

“There will be our flagship XFCE edition everybody knows Manjaro for, an updated KDE edition featuring Turbulence, our new tool to customize your Manjaro installation and a redesigned Openbox edition to fit the needs of our vibrant community.”

“Not to mention our usual community editions. The Manjaro team has grown a lot for this release, and we’re expanding our roots even further!,” reads the official announcement. Highlights of Manjaro 0.8.9:

• More XFCE 4.11 packages have been added in order to refresh and optimize the default desktop; • The Whiskermenu can now seamlessly switch users with the help of MDM display manager; • Two different versions of XFCE are provided, a feature full release that includes applications for a variety of tasks, and a minimal one with just a few packages; • KDE SC has been updated to version 4.12 and it's designed to give all Windows users a new home; • KDE Connect has been implemented; • Openbox 3.5.2 is now provided in the redesigned Openbox Edition; • Pamac 0.9.7 has been implemented and users can now enable or disable AUR support from friendly settings menu, or change the frequency of update checks; • Support has been added to the control Manjaro’s MHWD from a new, graphical interface; • The distribution is based on Linux kernel 3.10.30; • Mesa has been updated to version 10.0.3; • Gstreamer has been updated to version 1.2.3.

More details about this release can be found in the official announcement. Download Manjaro 0.8.9 right now from Softpedia.