The robber expected eating Subway sandwiches would help him lose weight, got really angry when this didn't happen

Nov 3, 2014 13:37 GMT  ·  By
Man becomes a robber after failing to lose weight on the Subway diet
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   Man becomes a robber after failing to lose weight on the Subway diet

Regardless of whether they might be willing to admit to it or not, the fact of the matter is that, in this day and age, plenty of people feel pressured to look their best. That's why new books on dieting hit shelves every other week and that's why gyms are popping up like daisies.

The thing is that, unfortunately, losing weight on one diet or another is not as easy as many expect and hope it to be. Hence, there are some folks who end up going bananas while trying to shrink their waistline or their behind.

By the looks of it, Zachary Rapheal Torrance from Alabama, US, is one of these people. Long story short, it was towards the end of October that this young men robbed as many as 4 Subway restaurants just to take revenge for his failure to lose weight on the Subway diet.

The failed Subway diet

American fast food restaurant franchise Subway takes pride in offering customers healthy foods. Thus, a man named Jared Fogle, who now works as a spokesperson for the franchise, claims to have lost a significant amount of weight by switching from other fast food treats to Subway sandwiches.

Hoping to replicate Jared Fogle's success in getting back in shape, 18-year-old Zachary Rapheal Torrance started replacing his usual meals with Subway sandwiches. Unfortunately, things didn't work out in his favor. Simply put, he failed to lose any weight whatsoever.

It is understood that, when finally figuring out that the Subway diet wasn't going to help him get fit, 18-year-old Zachary Rapheal Torrance got terribly angry and robbed 4 Subway restaurants near the city of Birmingham in Alabama over the course of just 4 days.

Interestingly enough, the 18-year-old is quite convinced that he did nothing wrong. Thus, he claims that he only robbed the stores looking to get back all the money that he spent on sandwiches before figuring out that the Subway diet was not working for him.

“He told the detective that he had been on the 'Subway Diet' and it had not worked for him and he felt like he wanted his money back,” police chief Chuck Hagler said in a statement, cited by the New York Post. “The detective felt like he was being serious,” he added.

The 18-year-old's arrest

While busy robbing the Subways at gunpoint, 18-year-old Zachary Rapheal Torrance forgot to keep an eye open for cameras both inside and outside the restaurants. Hence, he was caught on surveillance footage, and when he visited a Walmart last week, he was arrested.

The 18-year-old robber is currently being held on a $250,000 (nearly €200,000) bond. Even if he were to be released from prison sometime over the course of the following few days, he will eventually come face to face with a judge and will be made to answer for his crimes in front of a court of law.

Meet 18-year-old Zachary Rapheal Torrance
Meet 18-year-old Zachary Rapheal Torrance

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Man becomes a robber after failing to lose weight on the Subway diet
Meet 18-year-old Zachary Rapheal Torrance
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