Cybercriminals are using the RedKit exploit kit to distribute malware

Apr 18, 2013 14:07 GMT  ·  By
Malicious site displays YouTube videos related to the fertilizer plant explosion
   Malicious site displays YouTube videos related to the fertilizer plant explosion

Shortly after the world learned of the Boston Marathon bombings, cybercriminals have started leveraging the subject in an effort to lure users to malware-serving sites. 

Now that most media outlets have picked up the story about the explosions at the fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas, the cybercrooks have started leveraging this incident as well.

Dynamoo’s Blog reports that the bogus emails are entitled something like “CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Fertilizer Plant Explosion Near Waco, Texas.”

Similar to the malicious Boston Marathon messages, the links contained in them point to websites that display genuine YouTube videos covering the incident.

However, a hidden iframe starts pushing malware onto victims’ computers via the RedKit exploit kit.

In case you want to learn more of the latest fertilizer plant incident, be sure to follow the news only on trusted websites.