Fashion no-no’s we must steer clear of at all costs

Nov 26, 2008 08:19 GMT  ·  By

The fall-winter 2008/2009 season is just kicking off, and all that we hear stylists talk about is what to wear and how. On the other hand, when we do get a reference to bad choices, it’s not only regarding items that have gone out of style/trends. Things can actually go worse than that. Wearing a fashionable frock that is not the most fortunate choice does nothing for us, especially if we could have gone for something better in terms of size, color, style, and the way it matches the rest of our outfit.


The first example that comes to mind when speaking about fashion disasters is the “awkward” (for lack of a better term) way in which people (both men and women) choose the size of their garments. Without a doubt, we all have seen, at least once in a lifetime, such a hilarious appearance.

Of course, the golden rule says that all garments should follow closely the shapes of one’s body, but only if this is something that really flatters one. Otherwise, if they're too tight, the general impression created is of an eccentric comedy superhero. On the other hand, clothing items should not look like floating on thin air either – all the more if the person in question is actually the skinny type, when the effect of a ghost-like appearance and/or having double the body weight must be avoided.


Another thing that must be constantly kept in mind is that showing off undergarments is as grave a fashion faux pas as they come, as well as unforgivable. That means no VPL (visible panty lines) and no visible bra straps.


The last fashion crime on the list would be wearing the wrong shoes. All women must remember that going for high heels doesn't necessarily mean they look like a model, or anything close to that. If you have doubts while trying on a pair shoes, just don't buy them – if your feet don't feel comfy enough, that means they will also make you look (and walk) ridiculous.

Also, if you still keep your prom sandals, but you can’t actually remember the last time you wore them, you'd better toss them away unless you want to run the risk of seriously injuring yourself and, as if that weren’t enough, of looking terribly outdated.