Gamers will only get limited clues to the current situation

Dec 4, 2013 22:01 GMT  ·  By

The team at Avalanche Studios wants to make sure that the upcoming Mad Max game it is working on will deliver the same sense of mystery that permeated the movie series of the same name.

Emil Kraftling, the senior game designer, says that gamers will never find out the reasons for the current state of the world but will have to deal with its consequences.

He explains to AusGamers that "Some of it is things that we have explained in development — either on our own or through the consulting with George Miller — while we know it, we don’t spell it out to people, but it affects how certain areas are constructed and what we find in certain areas."

Developers plan to make the game faithful to the universe of Mad Max by offering plenty of interesting challenges and asking the player to construct his own scenarios about the events he is experiencing.