Brother of fighter insists he’s innocent, he really was fighting for his life

Aug 20, 2014 10:21 GMT  ·  By
MMA Fighter War Machine nearly killed his girlfriend Christy Mack in a brutal attack
   MMA Fighter War Machine nearly killed his girlfriend Christy Mack in a brutal attack

The police report in the case of Christy Mack, who was beaten to within an inch of her life on August 8 by her supposedly estranged boyfriend War Machine, the famous MMA fighter, reveals the brutality with which he unleashed all his fury on her when he found her in bed with another man. Still, his brother is saying that he’s innocent, at least to an extent.

War Machine was on the run from police for more than a week, tweeting all this time that he would not turn himself in because he would not be treated “fairly” by the police. He also insisted that he had acted in self-defense, as Mack and the other man had attacked him first, when he stopped by her house to surprise her with an engagement ring.

She, on the other hand, issued a statement to say that he had attacked them both without reason and any provocation, when he shouldn’t have been at her home in the first place because they had broken up weeks before.

In the same statement, Mack insisted that she feared for her life, as the rage he acted with was nothing she’d seen before; yes, he had abused her physically on previous occasions too.

BJ Penn spoke to Michael Eugene Koppenhaver, War Machine’s brother, and he too is saying that Mack wasn’t entirely honest about what happened at her Las Vegas home on the night in question. He doesn’t challenge the obvious fact that the MMA fighter beat her up, but he’s offering a justification for this brutal act.

Christy Mack lied, the brother says. We assume he’s being fed this information by War Machine himself.

So, here it goes: War Machine was convinced that he and Christy were still together, so, when he got to her home (to surprise her with a wedding proposal, as previously stated) and he found her in bed with another man, he went crazy.

However, he didn’t do anything to her right then, mostly because he was busy fighting with the other man, who attacked him. This is when “Christy grabbed a knife, and War Machine in fact fought for his life, much like he claimed on Twitter when the incident first occurred,” the aforementioned media outlet says.

“Michael went on to tell us that the reason War Machine hasn’t turned himself in is because the judge from his last stint in jail would be his judge in this case, and he feels that she wouldn’t grant him a fair trial,” adds the report.

War Machine had already been charged with assault and convicted before, and had even done time behind bars on such a charge, so he thought that no one would believe that he was the innocent party in this.

What the brother fails to mention is that the fighter has a long history not just of violence but of feeling persecuted and victimized by everyone around him, starting from the police and down to his friends. He is never the guilty party no matter the kind of trouble he gets himself in, at least not in his mind.

We might never know the truth of what happened in that house, whether Mack jumped on him with a knife or not, but nothing could justify the violence he brought down upon her, not just with his fists and leg, but also a knife he repeatedly stabbed her with.