SpeedBrowsing delivers faster off-portal browsing and automatic handset optimization

Jan 23, 2007 10:21 GMT  ·  By

LogicaCMG announced the launch of its SpeedBrowsing proposition that enables faster Internet browsing on mobile devices. SpeedBrowsing allows network operators to offer subscribers increased access speeds for off-portal websites and the automatic optimization of all sites for the individual user's handset.

Mobile Internet strategies are becoming increasingly important for operators looking to drive new revenues and unleash the full potential from 3G and HSDPA investments. These new strategies necessitate that operators turn away from legacy WAP platforms towards newer mobile Internet infrastructures which can deliver next-generation (Web 2.0) Internet services. Blogs, photo and video sharing, mobile advertising and social networking sites have brought a new level of interactivity to the Internet experience, and often include rich multimedia, requiring a fast and reliable connection.

The mobile form factor adds another complication to content delivery, requiring it to be individually manipulated for the mobile environment. High Speed Proxy, the product at the core of LogicaCMG's SpeedBrowsing proposition, automatically reformats each web page, ensuring that everything on the users screen is optimized for the mobile environment. In addition, the image compression engine reduces the download size of graphics, while ensuring that they can be properly viewed on the recipient device.

"Consumer appetite for the mobile Internet and its related applications is predicted to rapidly increase in 2007 so it is essential that operators implement services that are high-speed and provide high-quality user experiences. The industry must strive to deliver services which are comparable in quality and experience to existing PC functionality, in order to ensure a positive experience of the mobile Internet," said Chris Lennartz, marketing and business development director at LogicaCMG telecoms. "With our extensive knowledge and experience in the mobile Internet field globally, LogicaCMG is well equipped to help operators maximize the potential of this mass-market service."