Water also coming

Sep 8, 2009 06:27 GMT  ·  By

Media Molecule managed to make a big impact with last year's LittleBigPlanet, a combination of platformer and powerful content editor exclusive to the PlayStation 3. And now, the developers and Sony are saying that they plan to release a Game of the Year Edition of the title, set to offer players more content for less money. Recently, they detailed the new stuff that would be packed in the game.

Those who pick up the Game of the Year version of LittleBigPlanet will be getting access to 18 new levels, the biggest and best from all those created by the community around the game, and 7 packs of new costumes, objects, sticker and levels that were released through the PlayStation Store.

The combined value of the packs is about 30 dollars, with those offered being : the Metal Gear Solid Level Pack; Metal Gear Solid Costumes; Monsters Costumes; Monsters Pack; History Costumes; History Pack and Animals Costumes.

Media Molecule has also clarified some facts about the upcoming release. Old saved games will be compatible with the Game of the Year Edition but no new Trophies are integrated into the game.

The new version will also allow gamers to enter the beta for ModNation Racers, a new title set to offer the same amount of customization as LittleBigPlanet, in relation to the cars and the tracks that are being used. Currently, purchasing the Game of the Year Edition is the only way to get an invitation to the beta phase.

At the moment, Media Molecule is working hard to extend the appeal of LittleBigPlanet by creating a version of the game for the PlayStation Portable and by putting together an add on called Water. Expect to hear more news on them after the Game of the Year edition is released on September 8.