The TV presenter and the artist give an impromptu performance on The Tonight Show

Mar 21, 2014 17:41 GMT  ·  By

This is probably what you'll end up singing for the rest of the day, but here it goes: Jimmy Fallon had as a guest on The Tonight Show last night the legendary musician Billy Joel, and he decided it would be fun to improvise a little jam with him.

After all, how often to you get to sing with the one and only Billy Joel? With the help of modern technology and ignoring the live band on the set, Jimmy took out a tablet and started an app that facilitates looping samples instantly.

Then he grabbed a microphone, gave one to Billy Joel, and the resulting song can be heard in the video above. Their version of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” featured only their vocals as they sang “aweema-wep, aweema-wep, aweema-wep” in four different keys, before busting out with the chorus.

The best part of the song, which is now going to be stuck in your head and prove to be your earworm for the day, is that Fallon even struggled to do the high voice but he managed to pull it off, without turning it into a falsetto, like it happens so often on live TV.

Fallon can now rest easy knowing that he has a career in singing, if hosting live TV shows doesn't work for him anymore.