The sonic boom is finally made audible to the human ear

Mar 1, 2013 09:15 GMT  ·  By

Following Russia's being hit by a meteorite, the online community was taken by storm by photos and videos showing bits and pieces of this extraterrestrial rock flying through the air and eventually disintegrating into chunks.

Truth be told, almost all of these images and footages were impressive to say the least and, therefore, well worth our attention.

Still, here's something one does not come across all that often: a video which introduces the general public to the sonic boom created by this meteorite when it exploded mid-air.

The sonic boom was recorded by a total of seventeen listening stations spread across the world and operated by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, yet up until now it remained inaudible to the human ear.

By the looks of it, this particular meteor caused the loudest noise ever recorded by said global nuclear-test-ban watchdog.