Mint developers have ported a large number of packages from Petra to Maya

Dec 17, 2013 14:46 GMT  ·  By

Linux Mint developers have not forgotten about the users of older Mint Linux distributions and have enabled a few Petra backports.

A number of improvements have been ported from Petra to Linux Mint 13 Maya and a number of packages have been updated: MDM 1.4, Cinnamon 2.0, MATE 1.6, and the latest versions of mintwelcome, mintstick, mintnanny, mintupload, mintupdate, mintinstall, mintsystem, mintmenu, and mintdesktop.

Here are the necessary steps that Linux Mint 13 users have to take in order to get these updates:

1. Open the “Software Sources” tool from “Menu -> Preferences -> Software Sources.” 2. Click on the “Backported packages (backports)” checkbox. 3. Launch the “Update Manager” from “Menu->Administration->Update Manager.” 4. Select all level 1, 2, and 3 updates. 5. Click on “Install Updates.”

Continue to enjoy Linux Mint 13 Maya!