Star is now at Betty Ford on lockdown rehab for 90 days for parole violation

May 7, 2013 19:11 GMT  ·  By

After some drama, Lindsay Lohan finally checked in at the Betty Ford Clinic for her 90-day court-ordered lockdown rehab program. Before that, she sat down for an interview with Piers Morgan for the Daily Mail, which came out the other day.

To sum it up in only a few words, Lindsay is not an addict, she doesn’t do drugs, she doesn’t like booze and she doesn’t need rehab – and certainly not the lockdown type.

She tells Morgan that people shouldn’t believe everything they read about her because she’s not like that: she might have been arrested for DUI several times and completed 6 stints in rehab, but she really, truly does not have a problem with substance or alcohol abuse.

“Everyone thinks I’ve done it so many times. But I’ve only done it maybe four or five times in my life. Yes, I don’t like it. It reminds me of my dad. I took it four times in a period from about the age of 20 to 23, and I got caught twice…,” she says.

“I felt a little too buzzed – it made me feel uncomfortable… It’s the truth. I’ve never taken heroin either, never injected myself with anything, never done LSD. Those things all scare me,” Lindsay adds.

She says she’s tried pot (“obviously”) and ecstasy, and would say she likes the latter best. However, she’d never describe herself as an addict because she hardly ever uses.

The same applies to drinking: Lohan swears she enjoys the occasional drink but isn’t an alcoholic. Before he died, Heath Ledger advised her to try and go without booze for a full year, which she did and she felt just “fine.”

This helped her understand that she wasn’t an alcoholic.

All this brings Piers to the logical question of why does she “need” rehab then.

“This is where it gets hard for me to explain. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people taking time to just be by themselves. I think people want to see me do that. They will keep saying the same things about me if I don’t. I don’t think it will be a bad thing for me to be away with myself for three months,” Lindsay explains.

“I don’t think I need to be on lockdown for three months. I don’t think that’s rehab… I’ve been court-ordered to do it six times. I could write the book on rehab. Constantly sending me to rehab is pointless. The first few times I was court-ordered to rehab it was like a joke, like killing time,” she adds.

In the same interview, she talks about her relationship with her father and how he single-handedly destroyed their family, her career and how she and her mother are the best friends ever.

The full piece is available here.