Jul 21, 2011 07:43 GMT  ·  By
Linda Hamilton offers to take Betty White’s place at Corps Ball, as Marine’s date
   Linda Hamilton offers to take Betty White’s place at Corps Ball, as Marine’s date

A few days ago, Sergeant Ray Lewis, an Afghanistan and Iraq veteran, went on YouTube to try his luck and see if he could get Betty White to accompany him to the upcoming Corps Ball. She turned him down because of her busy schedule – but Linda Hamilton is nice enough to offer to go in her stead.

In a video also posted on YouTube, the “Terminator” star explains why she’d like to be the one Lewis takes to the ball. She even says that she has Betty’s “blessing” to offer to go in her place as the Sergeant’s date.

You can see Hamilton’s video in full below, embedded at the end of the article.

The clip kicks off with footage from “Terminator,” showing a younger and buffer Linda working out, in what is a clear reference to how Lewis opened his own video invite to Betty, by running and doing sit-ups.

She then explains why she’s wearing shades for the video: she spent the previous night crying her eyes out when she heard that Betty couldn't be Lewis’ date for the ball.

“Rumor has it that you like your actresses vintage,” the 54-year-old star says.

“It was just a terrible night thinking about you, and the situation, and then Betty called and I talked to her for hours and I know she feels terrible,” Linda further says.

She then goes on to say that, while she knows she can’t fill Betty’s shoes, she’s also aware she could be a fun date as well.

“I know that I am no Betty White, but I would be really, really thrilled if you can’t find anyone else to go to the ball with you – which I doubt –, I could go,” the actress explains.

“I’m only half as mature as she is, wink wink, but I am twice as funny, so I think that works out! Call me!” Linda concludes her message by saying.

Sgt. Ray Lewis has yet to respond to Linda Hamilton’s invitation but, as commenters online put it, he’d be a fool to pass on the opportunity, especially given her funny invite. Check it out.