The latest version of LibreOffice can be downloaded from Softpedia

Aug 12, 2014 12:14 GMT  ·  By

The Document Foundation announces that the first Release Candidate version of LibreOffice 4.3.1 is now available for download and it's ready for testing.

The developers from The Document Foundation have launched the first build in the LibreOffice 4.3.1 branch and they have started to implement numerous changes and other improvements.

The new version arrives fairly quickly after the release of the major 4.3 update, but it appears that there are quite a few other modifications that still need to make their way into the main branch. This will not be a huge release, but it will be recommended for upgrade once the stable version arrives for everyone.

According to the changelog, the handling of non-graphic objects for the RTF import has been improved, editing the text search with expanded fields is now working as it should, the static value array for OOXML charts is now handled correctly, the bullets now have the same color as the text that's following, ww8import no longer creates a pagedesc if the continuous section changes margins, themeOverride is no longer ignored for charts in .pptx, importing OLE objects in the header with background wrapping has been fixed, borders are now supported around data labels, the available area is no longer pushed down when no titles are available, and the table style for lastRow is now applied correctly.

Also, the theme color is already used for hyperlinks in Impress, the rulers now have app-background by default, graphics are now swapped in on DrawingML::WriteImage, the background in XLSX is no longer transparent instead of white, a redundant “Preferences” label has been removed to save some space, updating the page styles via SwDocShell::_LoadStyles has been fixed, page breaks in tables are no longer ignored, the size-request of the expert config dialog has been reduced, some of the style hierarchy options have been reworked, the text from SVG import is now displayed in LibreOffice, and DOCX embedded objects are now supported.

This is the development version and its makers provide Linux users with the source packages. If you are on an Ubuntu-based system, you have access to a PPA that will allow you to install and test this latest release. Be careful though, as you will have to purge this PPA when the final release hits the repositories.

Remember that this is a development version and it should NOT be installed on production machines. It is intended for testing purposes only.

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