Cross-platform task manager

Nov 20, 2008 12:05 GMT  ·  By

Browsing through the App Store, we recently came across an app called Task2Gather. Task2Gather is actually the interface of a free online service for task and project management that organizes your personal, family, social and business life. The service keeps all your commitments in one place, while desktop users can access their accounts online and work side by side with other members of the group.

Basically, it works like this:

- tasks you create in Task2Gather can be shared with your family members, friends or colleagues; - you can use Task2Gather as a to-do or shopping list, and, at the same time, it is flexible enough to serve as a collaborative tool for task management at work; - anyone can work with you from a desktop PC, while you're doing you're bit on your Apple handset. Vito Technology claims that “your wife will love the opportunity to update your shopping list, while you're at a store.” If there's anything these guys are right about, this is it.

Main features of the service include the ability to divide tasks into subtasks, share, and discuss assignments. Sub-tasks can be divided even further. You can always add or remove members, and invite people you need to complete a project and assign activities to them on the spot.

Task2Gather is set out to achieve simplicity, high performance, sharing, flexibility and mobility. Vito is sure that many users will be sold on Task2Gather's features, based on the “ideology of task and project management explained in short as 'simplicity + sharing,'” according to the company.

Task2Gather will also be available via paid subscription soon enough, with features like reports, file attachments, advanced security, RSS, and more, according to the makers.

Task2Gather costs $4.99, and is available immediately from the iTunes App Store for iPhones running OS 2.0 or later. The iPod touch is also supported.

Download Task2Gather via iTunes App Store ($4.99)