Star promotes “Django Unchained” in Japan, is effortlessly cool

Mar 7, 2013 12:37 GMT  ·  By

The other day, Leonardo DiCaprio did an interview with a Japanese television network to promote “Django Unchained” and, more or less accidentally, revealed a side of his personality probably few fans knew existed.

Not only can he do an awesome (and rather spooky) impersonation of Jack Nicholson (whose brilliant role in “The Shining” will haunt me forever), but he’s actually more fun and relaxed when he’s out of the country.

He even talks about what he looks for in a woman, and that’s no small thing. Granted, that part of the interview won’t make jokes about how he picks his girlfriend out of a Victoria’s Secret catalog go away.

Check it out in the video above: he does the impersonation at the 2:10 mark. It’s creepy, but incredibly awesome.

I will leave you with my favorite GIF of the day.