A landing page design overhaul is coming to prepare the client for more changes

Aug 25, 2014 06:43 GMT  ·  By

Riot Games has confirmed that it's going to roll out a pretty major overhaul for the general League of Legends client and its patcher module this week, in order to ensure that the new systems will be able to support future changes to the actual game.

League of Legends is one of the most popular free-to-play games of all time and developer Riot Games has made sure that its updates don't mess with the general feel of the game. The studio has also taken great precautions to ensure that any patches don't create errors with the game's client or with its actual patching system.

Now, however, after quite some time, Riot has decided to actually overhaul the whole client and update mechanic so that it's more flexible and better prepared for what the studio has in mind.

"Over the next week or so, we’ll be introducing the first steps of an extensive and ongoing development process to the client. We’re pushing the visual changes to the patcher and client landing page we recently shared with you on PBE to the live experience along with some new core client technology," Riot said on its website.

According to the studio, the actual League of Legends client is composed of multiple subsystems all interconnected to each other. As a result, it can be quite vulnerable to errors or problems every time a patch appears.

"When we talk about 'the client,' we’re referring to the technology that supports your pre-game experience. Every interaction you have as you’re getting ready for a match is based on interconnected systems and, as a result, maintaining League’s stability outweighs almost every other priority we have when making changes."

As such, in order to ensure that it will remain stable when future updates are going to appear, the whole client is getting a major overhaul in the very near future.

"We chose our first targets for development by looking at the least risky pieces of the client. Updating the look and feel of the patcher and client landing page means we can add new tech, minimize risk, and deliver some neat stuff," Riot explained to users.

Riot will continue to explore different improvements that might be suitable for the League of Legends client and continue its overhaul in the future. Until then, expect a slight refresh to debut in the following days for the massively popular multiplayer online battle arena title.