Making it easy to find new content from over 100,000 blogs

Jul 14, 2009 12:31 GMT  ·  By

RSS feeds may not be all the rage anymore with Twitter stealing the limelight but the fact is they can be a very powerful tool. However, part of the hassle with feeds is the discovery process, sifting through maybe thousands of them to find the ones that are of interest to you. A new tool is here to change all that by finding the feeds that could be useful and letting the user decide which ones to keep. Called Lazyfeed, the service is anything but, constantly searching and bringing up the most up-to-date and popular stories from the 100,000 or so blogs it indexes.

While you may think that the market for feed readers is pretty well catered to, Lazyfeed is less of a Google Reader and more of a blog aggregator focused on the discovery of new feeds. The site shows the most popular stories of the moment grouped by topics on the front page and lets users “search” for the content they'd be interested in by using tags.

Based on the tags, Lazyfeed presents users with the content it believes will appeal to them, blog posts, videos, photos etc., all of them recently added, letting them decide whether they will subscribe to that feed or not and the tags can also be saved as favorites so they can be accessed later.

The interface is split in two columns, the left-hand side one housing the saved tags or added feeds and content, while the right-hand one is where most of the action happens as this is where the searches will be conducted and where the hot stories will show up.

For now it's pretty obvious that the product is new so a few features may be missing, like the possibility to use multiple tags or a way to refine the searches. Still, these will surely be fixed and with Twitter support also possibly coming in the future Lazyfeed could become a really useful tool.