Feb 4, 2011 10:00 GMT  ·  By
Lady Gaga is doing coke again, has friends worried sick, claims tabloid report
   Lady Gaga is doing coke again, has friends worried sick, claims tabloid report

Singer Lady Gaga has never been shy about her past or, for that matter, anything about her personal life. The latest issue of Star magazine says she’s back into heavy drugs again and things have gotten so bad that her friends fear she needs an intervention as soon as possible.

The latest issue of the weekly – the same one we told you about yesterday, with the Jolie-Pitt twins – claims the singer has hit rock bottom, having relapsed into drug use to boost her creativity.

Jezebel has a scan of the cover of the mag, together with one of the article: as usual, it includes quotes from unnamed friends and spies, which could mean it’s just speculation on a topic that Gaga has already discussed with the media.

For starters, the cover of Star comes with a picture of Gaga looking rather worse for wear, with the captions “Lady Gaga hits tock bottom: drunk and on coke – Gaga passed out in a New York City basement.”

“Lady Gaga needs help now!” screams another headline inside the latest issue of the tab. An eyewitness recalls one night in NYC when Gaga went out partying and she was talking “a million miles a minute.”

“She was totally out of it. Then her shoe got caught in a grate and she fell in the path of a cab that almost ran over her,” the spy says.

“She has this crazy room in her house that’s solely dedicated to getting high and writing songs. The idea for her meat costume was the result of a coke-fueled binge,” another insider reveals, adding that the star is “so heavily” into cocaine.

As noted above, Gaga has come clean about her addiction to cocaine, which she managed to overcome with help from her parents. Star is probably just taking that and spinning it into a whole new story.

At least, that’s what Gossip Cop, the e-zine that “specializes” in verifying whether rumors on celebrities are true or not, believes.

“While it’s true Lady Gaga has been open about using cocaine on occasion, it simply is not true that the singer spends her days and nights in some kind of coked-out downward spiral. It’s just another example of Star ‘blowing’ a bit of truth beyond all recognition,” GC writes.

It even has confirmation from two of Gaga’s representatives that the story in Star is false.