Things are different than they were 25 years ago, she tells fans in New Zealand

Jun 13, 2012 09:20 GMT  ·  By
Lady Gaga speaks in concert about hate and negativity, people assume she's addressing the Madonna feud
   Lady Gaga speaks in concert about hate and negativity, people assume she's addressing the Madonna feud

If Lady Gaga is upset by Madonna's comments that she ripped off her hit “Express Yourself” for “Born This Way,” we will not be hearing it from her. Mother Monster isn't interested in hating, she told fans in concert.

Video of Gaga performing “Hair” in New Zealand has emerged online and it seems to include a reference to the so-called feud between her and Madonna.

Check it out below: Gaga's comments start at about the 2:20-minute mark.

Of course, she doesn't mention Madonna by name and neither does she say anything about the jabs the Queen of Pop has been taking at her in the press for the past few months, but the message is there, voices online say.

“It sometimes makes people feel better about themselves to put other people down or make fun of them or maybe make mockery of their work…And that doesn’t make me feel good at all,” Gaga says.

Consensus online is that she's talking about Madonna, who made it crystal clear that she believed Gaga “stole” from her, starting from “Born This Way” and down to her live shows and her fashion / look.

As far as Gaga is concerned, Madonna can say and do whatever she pleases because she has no intention of fighting back.

“That just makes me feel like I’m not a good human being… I don’t even want to fight back because it’s more important to me to keep writing music. Because that’s really all I care about, is the music,” she says.

“Things are really different than they were 25 years ago, and that’s what makes Born This Way so relevant for me… We’re socially in a different place and it’s OK, we don’t have to all slice and hate each other anymore,” Gaga adds.

While most media outlets agree that Gaga must be talking about Madonna, if you listen to her entire speech, it feels more like she's being pro-gay than anti-Madonna.

The singer also stresses the need for non-violence in dealing with certain issues, but also says something along the lines of “what is it to anyone if I'm gay?”

Check out the video and judge for yourself.