Just turn on the light and sink into the surrealism

Nov 8, 2014 10:23 GMT  ·  By

Lampshades can be found everywhere, since lamps alone tend to look hideous or incomplete no matter how great and careful their makers were when coming up with the aesthetic value. Lampshades are also necessary to temper the intensity of light bulbs.

A ceiling or wall light may be allowed to shine as brightly as possible, since it's supposed to provide the illumination you might need for working on a paper or whatever else.

However, if it's just enough light to get around that you need, lampshades are a must. Especially if it's the middle of the night and a sudden brightening of the room can hurt your eyes.

There's another use for lampshades, though, if they're made with intricate enough patterns and from see-through materials colored in some hue other than white.

The Lacelamps will change how your home feels

Intricate patterns can paint equally intricate shadows on the walls, which is why shadows have always been an intrinsic part of mysterious book and film scenes.

They can also evoke various feelings in people, depending on how deep they are and whether or not they are made to look menacing or calming.

French designers Pierre-Yves Jaques and Linlin decided to explore the possibilities of the former, so they created the Lacelamps and associated suspended lamp and table lamp.

So what are the Lacelamps all about? Basically, they're lamp shades that can paint sophisticated patterns on the walls and ceilings of your bedroom, or any other room. Just put the lamp anywhere, make sure the lampshade is properly set on top of it, and flip the on switch.

For what's basically nothing but a dome of plastic “laces,” the view is pretty awesome, as the attached pictures will show you.

The lampshades are entirely 3D printed, which not only makes them cheap and easy to produce, but also very easy to modify as well.

The lamp and table lamp

Both of them use 5W LED light bulbs and may or may not be made available in the future. Currently, they aren't up for sale anywhere, so we can only hope that this will eventually change or that their designs will be published alongside those of the Lacelamp lampshades themselves.

The attached gallery will give you an idea of what you can expect if you ever see any of them available anywhere. We wouldn't mind if you gave up a heads up when you do.

3D printed Lacelamps (4 Images)

Suspended lacelamp, active
Table lacelamp, day timeSuspended lacelamp, day time