The actress talks about her experiences from “Camp X-Ray”

Oct 21, 2014 12:48 GMT  ·  By
Kristen Stewart talks about terrorists and prison life after her role in "Camp X-Ray"
   Kristen Stewart talks about terrorists and prison life after her role in "Camp X-Ray"

Kristen Stewart is busy promoting her latest film these days, “Camp X-Ray” in which she plays a security guard at the controversial prison Guantanamo Bay who strikes up a friendship with one of the inmates, as well as becoming disillusioned with her mission.

The movie and Kristen performance actually received great reviews so it might be worth to check out the movie in cinemas. Now Kristen is doing an interview in which she tries to explain the movie and she touches about some social, military and economic issues in the process.

Kristen talks about terrorists, prisons and the Army, scandal is imminent

As you might know, celebrities in general aren't really the best people to talk to about serious matters, and actors in particular have a bad reputation for saying outrageous things. We can still remember Tom Cruise's depiction of his action roles as if he had been in combat, or Charlize Theron likening being stalked by the paparazzi with being raped.

So when Kristen Stewart gets asked about life in prison and the morality of a detention center like Guantanamo Bay, which is reserved for terrorists and enemy combatants, you know things are going to get interesting.

In her interview with the Daily Beast, Kristen was asked why she chose to star in a movie about a controversial detention center that Obama wanted to close down, “I didn’t jump on this movie to make a huge political statement, but it’s such an interesting story within an interesting context, and it’s more of a poke on the shoulder to remind you that this thing is here.”

Kristen reminds her viewers that terrorists are still people, basically blasts the American administration

Then the interviewer alludes that bad things happen when the guards stop viewing the detainees as people and Kristen jumped right on that, “Where the [expletive] do you get off thinking otherwise? These two people couldn’t be from more different worlds and perspectives, and probably disagree fundamentally on most things, but there’s a through-line for all of us—and that’s what people forget, and that’s what makes people capable of doing terrible things to each other. What makes you different from any other person that walks the earth?”

Kristen seems to overlook the fact that most of the people detained in Guantanamo are terrorists, some of which have committed atrocious acts. There are even several people in custody that have been connected to the 9/11 attacks, as well as Osama bin Laden.

This is not the first time that Kristen has exhibited some strange points of view, but this time, she might have stepped into a thorn bush. While Americans are all about human rights, the Guantanamo Bay issue, and the whole terrorist problem isn't that clear-cut.

In fact, President Obama wasn't able to shut down the prison like he'd promised because a majority of Americans were opposed to it. So Kristen's heartfelt discourse about terrorists being people might not be viewed favorably by all her audiences.