PETA activists claim what Kim Kardashian did counts as animal abuse

Aug 2, 2014 20:57 GMT  ·  By
PETA is not happy with Kim's decision to go swimming with dolphins while visiting Mexico
   PETA is not happy with Kim's decision to go swimming with dolphins while visiting Mexico

Some time ago, while visiting Mexico, Kim Kardashian made the dreadful mistake to go swimming with dolphins. A while later, she made yet another ill-inspired decision: she shared footage of her swim with the online community.

Not at all surprisingly, it did not take PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) very long to react to this piece of news and accuse Kim Kardashian of having absolutely no respect or compassion for animals.

According to Daily Mail, members and supporters of PETA maintain that, contrary to what some might assume, dolphins don't really like swimming with people. On the contrary, such experiences make the animals feel terribly stressed.

More so given the fact that, too often, such encounters occur not in the wild but at animal parks where dolphins are held captive and forced to spend their entire lives swimming around in concrete tanks that look nothing like their home in the ocean.

“Touch tanks and ‘swim-with’ programs allow the public to pet, kiss, or even ‘ride’ dolphins. Such programs invade the animals’ already diminished worlds and are intrusive, dangerous, and stressful for the animals as well as for human participants.”

“Kim is free to leave the pool, but for the dolphins, it’s a lifetime sentence,” Lisa Lange, PETA's current Senior Vice President, reportedly commented on Kim Kardashian’s decision to have some fun abusing dolphins in a recent interview.

To make matters even worse, word has it that, shortly after Kim went swimming with dolphins at Vallarta Adventures in Puerto Vallarta, her daughter did the same thing. Since North West is still very young, PETA decided to let this one and not pick on her.

For those more curious of the bunch, footage showing Kim Kardashian splashing around with marine mammals held captive at wildlife park Vallarta Adventures in Puerto Vallarta is available below.