Two different sequences from the PS4 exclusive shooter are available

Oct 25, 2013 13:22 GMT  ·  By

Two new direct gameplay videos with Killzone: Shadow Fall on the PS4 have just appeared online, showing off a section in a forest and one in a city, both containing some impressive sequences.

Killzone: Shadow Fall went gold earlier this week, meaning it's now ready to appear for the PS4 next month.

Since then, Developer Guerrilla Games and Sony have shared quite a few different details on the first-person shooter.

Now, two new gameplay videos with Shadow Fall have appeared online, via AGB, showing off one section in a forest and one in a dense urban environment.

Both contain some great action sequences and firefights that really show off the gorgeous visuals and impressive graphics of the new shooter.

Killzone: Shadow Fall and the PS4 are out on November 15, in North America, and November 29, in Europe.