Nov 11, 2010 19:31 GMT  ·  By

If you want to know whether your man stands good chances of being rich one day or whether he’ll always remain Mr. Reliable, you don’t have to look any further than at his hands.

A new study cited by The Telegraph says there’s a direct relationship between the length of the ring finger of a man and the kinds of odds he’d ever get rich, with the longer the finger, the bigger the chances.

Researchers at Canada’s Concordia University have established that testosterone levels directly affects bone length in the fingers in men and women, but only in men some personality traits are directly related to these levels.

“The longer the ring finger compared to the rest of his hand – particularly the index finger – then the more chance he is the kind of go-getter who makes big money,” The Telegraph writes of the findings of a recent study.

In other words, women looking to marry into money don’t even have to ask around about bank accounts or have a look into their man’s wallet – it’s enough if they look at their hands.

“It also shows the greater the chance that he is the kind of ‘work hard, play hard’ man who doesn’t take no for an answer – whether it is sealing a financial deal or trying to win a girl’s heart,” the same publication says of the findings.

However, even men with longer ring fingers are more likely to become rich, women tend to choose Mr. Reliable instead, even if he may turn out to be boring The Telegraph writes. At least he won’t take unnecessary risks.

“Our findings show an association between high testosterone and risk-taking among males in three domains: recreational, social and financial,” lead researcher Eric Stenstrom explains.

“Since women tend to be attracted to men who are fit, assertive and rich, men are apt to take risks with sports, people and money to be attractive to potential mates,” Stenstrom adds.