Singer has found new love, is motivated by the new man in her life

Jun 1, 2012 19:11 GMT  ·  By
Kelly Clarkson has lost 30 pounds (13.6 kg) in 6 months by eating better and working out
   Kelly Clarkson has lost 30 pounds (13.6 kg) in 6 months by eating better and working out

Kelly Clarkson has long struggled with her weight, though never with her self-esteem. In recent interviews, the singer looked considerably slimmer and more toned – and Us Weekly knows exactly just how much weight she's lost.

The latest print issue of the celebrity magazine (story via CB) offers more details about Kelly's special diet, which, as it turns out, isn't really special at all.

Over the past 6 months, Kelly has lost 30 pounds (13.6 kg) in the most healthy and easy way possible: by eating right and getting plenty of exercise.

Her “secret” to her killer figure isn't really a secret; in fact, it's the method nutritionists keep recommending whenever they shoot down talk of how successful fad diets are.

“After enduring constant weight scrutiny ever since she nabbed the inaugural American Idol crown in 2002, the 30 year-old has revealed her healthiest figure yet,” Us Weekly writes.

“Thanks to a five days a week training schedule and a portion-control diet, the 5-foot-4 singer has shed a remarkable 30 pounds in the last six months,” says the publication.

“'She feels better about herself than she ever has,' a source says of Clarkson, now just 10 pounds [4.5 kg] away from her ultimate goal weight,” adds the same media outlet.

The main reason Kelly decided to ditch her previous, unhealthy lifestyle was meeting her current boyfriend, Brandon Blackstock, of whom she even said he made her so happy she could hardly write a sad love song.

He didn't pressure her into losing weight or anything like that, but instead offered her his love and support in everything.

For instance, says the spy, he told her he loved her just the way she was, which motivated Kelly to get back in shape.

“Brandon is the first guy ever who tells her how beautiful and [hot] she is. She wants to look good for him…” the insider explains.

“He motivates her. She says she can’t just lie there watching TV when he’s at the gym,” adds the same unnamed source.