Although has started to consider doing something about the extra weight

May 26, 2009 20:21 GMT  ·  By
Kelly Clarkson says she doesn’t believe in dieting, is happy with her current weight
   Kelly Clarkson says she doesn’t believe in dieting, is happy with her current weight

Kelly Clarkson is a bit on the plump side, and she’s always been like that and never afraid to be the first to admit it. According to the star, it’s how she’s built and she’s more than proud of her curves, which is why she simply does not believe in dieting, Star Magazine says in a piece in the latest print edition.

Whether Kelly is fat or not has been the topic of intense speculation these past few months, especially since she came up with a new material this year and had to make more public appearances to promote it. Then again, her fluctuating weight has always been tabloid fodder, with some saying she needed to be at least a couple of pounds slimmer (including some health specialists who have never met her) and millions of fans encouraging her not to change because she’s a role model for healthy living.

With this in mind, it’s not hard to see why Kelly refuses to succumb to media pressure of being thin like the rest of female celebrities out there. According to Star, the singer will always favor a piece of cake over dieting since she simply doesn’t believe in the latter. A friend of the singer also insists that Clarkson is happy with the way her body looks right now, because she feels she is a strong role model for all regular-sized girls out there who feel they need a star more like them to relate to.

“She’s happy where she’s at. She doesn’t think being thin should be a big priority in her life. She gets tons of fan letters telling her to stay curvy. The last thing she wants to do is betray those young women who look up to her by going on a crash diet.” the unnamed but reportedly very close friend tells the mag. However, there is one such thing as “too curvy” and Kelly is fully aware of it, if we’re to believe the same source speaking for Star.

“She’s nervous about her health. She knows she needs to do something about the extra weight.” the same friend reveals. If that were truly the case, then Kelly would better start doing something before more pounds pile on. Fitness expert Joe Catalano, for instance, is telling the media that Kelly Clarkson must weigh 165 pounds (based on her height and what she has revealed during interviews), which makes her about 35 pounds overweight.