Actress talks body image, says it took her many years to get “rid of the fat girl”

Jun 5, 2012 20:11 GMT  ·  By
Kate Winslet talks to Vanity Fair Italia about body image, health and self-esteem
   Kate Winslet talks to Vanity Fair Italia about body image, health and self-esteem

Kate Winslet has long established herself as a champion of a healthy body image, the idol of millions of normal-sized women from all over the world. Her latest interview with Vanity Fair Italia is to be read in this context.

Once a chubbier version of the woman she is today, Kate knows a lot about low self-esteem and being ridiculed for not fitting the norm, for being different than what is held as an “ideal.”

Even though she's slimmer and happier with herself than she's ever been, Kate will never stop pointing out the obvious: women are constantly fed the wrong message as regards the ideal size.

“Better say that I’m bored of what it means that we are still here talking about it: it means that nothing has changed. Otherwise, no, I believe it is important to go on insisting that normality is not what we are exposed to,” she tells VF, as cited by the Daily Mail.

“Honestly, among my acquaintances there is no woman wearing XS. No, sorry, there is one: my daughter. The point is that Mia is 11 years old,” she adds.

The Oscar-winning actress still cringes at memories of her younger days, when she was heavier than anyone else she knew in showbiz.

“It’s one of those things I learned quickly to ignore. Once it was different, it hurt me. When I was twenty I pretended it didn’t bother me, but I felt very bad, I did. In front of journalists and the public I acted superior, but I was dying inside. Now everything is different. It takes time, but you can learn it,” she says for the magazine.

She's slimmer now and, while she's still more curvaceous than your regular Hollywood star, Kate is happy with her looks.

“It’s true that you need much time to get rid of the fat girl you once were, but – you know – I am sincerely grateful for my buttocks. Wow, isn’t this a wonderful line?” she asks, smiling.