Mom blogs about the challenges of raising her out of control offspring

May 15, 2010 10:46 GMT  ·  By
“I have a feeling there are many more jungle outbursts to be handled. Help me!!!!!!!!” Kate Gosselin blogs about her 8 children
   “I have a feeling there are many more jungle outbursts to be handled. Help me!!!!!!!!” Kate Gosselin blogs about her 8 children

As she prepares for the premiere for her latest reality show, “Kate Plus 8,” on June 6, which will see her try her hand at being a single mother of 8, Kate Gosselin is taking to her blog to complain about the challenges of raising her kids, Us Magazine informs. After comparing herself to a referee instead of a regular mom, Kate admits that there are times when she feels like simply running in the different direction than her kids, just to get away from them.

Since TLC made the announcement of the return to the small screen of its biggest star ever (not with one, but two brand new shows), Kate has been blogging on the network’s blog, thus keeping fans’ interest high. Last time we heard of her, she was saying she missed everything about Dancing With the Stars, from the competition to the rehearsal hours, in a blog post in a very nostalgic tone. Suffice it to say, there is nothing nostalgic about her most recent post, says Us.

“Kate Gosselin blogs that she’s more like a referee than a mom because her eight kids can get so out of control. After describing fights over the bathroom, who’s staring at whom and the kids smacking each other, she writes, ‘Help! Where is my referee uniform???? Honestly, this is every minute of every day in my house with eight kids!!’ ‘OK, I’ll admit it. There are the sweet moments of love and compassion to balance these never-ending stressful encounters, but for some reason, these unloving loud outbursts are what I tend to remember,’ adds Gosselin, 35, who split from her husband Jon, 33, after 10 years of marriage last summer,” Us informs.

“‘I’m to the point where I hold up my hand and say, “I’m not the complaint department, and I don’t like how black and white stripes look on me, so go work it out. If you can’t, I’ll help you.” And I leave it to them,’ writes Gosselin of her kids, who, Us Weekly has reported, are mostly raised by nannies. She says she spends time ‘mentally devising’ how she’ll deal with her sextuplets – who just turned 6 – and twins before ‘the next time I hear the stampede of unrest coming my way.’ Sometimes, she considers ‘running in the other direction and hiding,’ she admits of the ‘emotionally tiring and time consuming’ task of raising children,” the tab further says.

And that’s not the worst part of it, the television star continues to say. At the mere thought that this is just the beginning of what will surely be a long and painful journey for her, one of outbursts that she’ll have to referee, Kate has only one thing to say: “Help me!!!!!!!!”