Singer speaks to Details, continues to amaze

Feb 18, 2009 15:20 GMT  ·  By

Kanye West is, in all fairness, one of the few celebrities out there on who one can actually count to always speak what’s on their mind. While many have repeatedly picked on the rapper for being too loose-lipped, it’s precisely for interviews such as his latest one for which they did it. Kanye is, for Kanye himself, a superhero and a music icon whose shoes few, if any, could have ever replaced.

Speaking with the magazine on such topics as his music, his influence on other artists and his impact on the music as a whole, but also on fashion and the labels that the media keeps attaching to him because of it, Kanye West shows, once again, that modest is probably the last term that could be used to describe him.

Granted, his music did touch and influence many other artists, but from that to calling himself the end-all and be-all of music is probably a stretch, as several music-oriented publications are pointing out.

When asked about his music, Kanye quickly told Details that there was little to speak of anymore, since he had done practically everything. “Put this in the magazine: There’s nothing more to be said about music. I’m the [expletive] end-all, be-all of music. I know what I’m doing. I did 808s in three weeks. I got it. It’s on cruise control… Man, we talked about music for God knows how long! Now let’s talk about how my [expletive] sweater didn’t come back right from Korea. That’s what’s interesting me.” the rapper said.

As for his importance on the music scene, here too Kanye hinted that he was the only one who could best appreciate that, again, with an utter lack of modesty typical for him. “If not me, then who? Someone could be a better rapper, dance better. But culturally impacting? When you look back at these four and a half years, who’s the icon at the end of the day? Who broke down color barriers? What other black guy would a white person use as a fashion reference?” Kanye West added for Details.

Of course, it is now being said, coming from the same artist who, just a couple of weeks ago, was saying that he wanted less fans so that he could pose without his clothes for various magazines, this is not half as shocking as we might be tempted to think. As neither should be the self-imposed label of superhero. “One of the problems with being a bubbling source of creativity – it’s like I’m bubbling in a laboratory, and if you don’t put a cap on it, at one point it will, like, break the glass. If I can hone that… then I have, like, nuclear power, like a superhero, like Cyclops when he puts his glasses on.” Kanye concluded by saying.