Given that they hate each other's guts so bad, it must be torment for them to stand so close to each other

Sep 3, 2007 13:05 GMT  ·  By

Fans of Eidos' titles are surely familiar with the publisher's latest game in the works over at IO Interactive, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. Well, the creators of Lara Croft have made an exciting announcement today: a new website, dedicated exclusively to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is up and going. More than that, Eidos has confirmed that the website hasn't even been running for weeks and it has already picked up its first award.

Naturally, the Kane & Lynch: Dead Men official website features all the typical stuff found in official video game websites, such as the latest trailers, exclusive screenshots and concept art, wallpapers, forums, competitions and links to other Kane & Lynch websites (fan websites).

"The site represents the dual personalities of Kane & Lynch, being both edgy and psychotic at the same time," said Olaf Siebert, Web Designer, Eidos. "We've really created something visually stunning but at the same time easily accessible - I urge you to take a look around."

For those who don't know much about Eidos' upcoming gritty title, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men revolves around two men bound by circumstance as they wait on death row for their final sentence. One is a flawed mercenary, while the other is a medicated psychopath. Deadly mix, you have to agree. Anyway, as the game's plot says, the two are forced to embark on a violent and chaotic journey, hating each other every step of the way.

Let's just hope they don't fall in love towards the end of the game... OK then, enough joking around, let's see some facts on the game. The game's basic features include:

Tense and unpredictable experience - the violent and chaotic journey of two men; each hates the other but must work together to save themselves and possibly the ones they love; play Kane in single-player mode and either character in two-player co-op mode.

Wide variety of intense 3rd person game play - rappel from buildings, firing on the run or from moving vehicles, launch surprise attacks, lay down cover fire and shoot blind from around corners, hurl smoke, tear and incendiary grenades.

Fast and intuitive combat - lead a crew of criminal mercenaries to increase your chance of surviving and reaching your goals; fight alone as your crew AI will automatically fire or take cover.

Two-player co-operative game play - on the big jobs, split the command of your crew; at any point in the game you can choose to play the next, or previous, levels in co-op.

Here's the website in question. Although Eidos hasn't yet made a specific launch date available for the game, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men launches sometime this year for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.