An anomaly during its close approach to Earth sent the probe into safe mode

Oct 12, 2013 08:05 GMT  ·  By

After a few days of tension, the Juno spacecraft, currently heading incredibly fast towards Jupiter, is now back to full working order. The craft had entered into safe mode when it encountered an anomaly.

That's standard behavior for any space probe and even the planetary rovers, if a problem or error is encountered, all non-essential equipment is shut down to prevent or at least minimize damage.

Just as the probe passed behind the Earth a few days ago, away from NASA's view, running on batteries for the first time since its solar panels weren't getting any light, it suddenly went into safe mode. NASA has been trying to figure out what happened ever since.

There was no immediate danger to the mission, the craft had picked up the speed it needed and was on the right trajectory towards Jupiter. During its approach, the craft also took some photos of Earth, some of which have already been made public.

Now though, Juno is back to full working order having existed its safe mode on Friday, as Universe Today reports. There's still no detail on what happened.