Sep 23, 2010 20:31 GMT  ·  By

At 49, this mother of two has the kind of body other women would kill for. Actress Julianne Moore works hard to stay in such amazing shape – and she does so with the help of personal trainer David Kirsch.

Speaking to How Celebrities Lose Weight, Kirsch reveals Moore wanted to focus on certain parts of her body before starting to work on getting in top shape.

Basically, the actress set for herself 3 fitness goals (to be slimmer all over, to have a flat abdomen, and get a perkier and firmer backside). Then, she worked with Kirsch to achieve them.

“One of the fitness goals for Julianne is to get slim all over. In order for her to achieve this fitness goal, her fitness trainer, David Kirsch makes her do a fitness exercise combination of cardio and strength fitness training that quickens weight loss,” HCLW notes.

“If you have the same fitness goal as Julianne Moore, fitness trainer Kirsch suggests doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise three times a week and light weights twice a week,” the e-zine further says.

To get a flat tummy, the trainer suggests a simple exercise, of which Moore does 3 sets of 10, 3 times a week.

“Lie face up holding an exercise equipment like a stability ball with your arms extended over your head,” the fitness-oriented online publication notes.

“Raise arms and legs to meet over your abs and place the ball between your ankles. Repeat this exercise movement, taking the ball into your hands,” How Celebrities Lose Weight goes on to say.

To work her backside, Moore does several exercises: the sumo sidekick, the bridge, the modified warrior three and side squats, also in repeated sets.

If you’re aiming for a body like Moore’s, incorporate them in your workout and you should have a killer body in almost no time.

For more on each type of exercise, as per Kirsch’s instructions, please refer here.