Diva drops major hints once more about not returning to the show as judge

Jul 12, 2012 15:55 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Lopez “says it's time for [her] to go” when asked about American Idol
   Jennifer Lopez “says it's time for [her] to go” when asked about American Idol

Either Jennifer Lopez is playing hard ball (and hard to get) with producers of American Idol or she's already made up her mind about returning for another season. In other words, she's not coming back.

In a recent televised appearance, the diva was asked whether her busy agenda allowed her to sit as judge for another season on American Idol – and her answer pretty much cleared all that up, as Us Weekly also points out.

“Little by little I'm making up my mind. I love everybody, I love the guys [Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler and host Ryan Seacrest], but I am thinking it's time for me to go and do other things I love to do like films,” Jennifer said.

As noted above, with this statement she's either a) telling producers she's walking out the door if they don't give in to her demands for another 1-year contract (which are most likely of a pecuniary nature), or b) she's slowly letting the world know she's out of the picture already.

As expected of her, she's not saying more on the matter, except to insist her mind isn't mind up yet, something many people are already questioning.

“It's a huge decision, but I have to say there are so many things I do that I put on hold for that. It's a heartbreaking decision if I have to go,” she says.

One insider tells Us that, no matter how much Lopez doth protest, she's decided: she's not staying on Idol for any longer because she's already made up her mind.

“There is just too much going on for her right now. She regrets she can't stay on the show. It's been an incredible experience and she is forever grateful that she did it,” the tipster dishes.

An official announcement is pending.

However, if Lopez does decide to leave, Fox is already looking at possible replacements. Various names have been circulated in the press these past few days and, as always, chances are there is some truth to rumors of negotiations with some of them.

Adam Lambert, Fergie, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, will.i.am and even Charlie Sheen are reportedly considered for a judge position.