Actress lists likes and dislikes, namedrops Kim Kardashian

Oct 11, 2014 13:23 GMT  ·  By
Jennifer Lawrence loves bad reality television and calorie-laden snacks, is not ashamed of either
   Jennifer Lawrence loves bad reality television and calorie-laden snacks, is not ashamed of either

Jennifer Lawrence is just like us, and this is probably one of the most endearing qualities in a celebrity – especially in an Oscar-winning actress who also happens to be the hottest commodity in Hollywood right now.

The latest issue of Vanity Fair brings the first interview with Jennifer since she got hacked and she had dozens of personal photos stolen from her iCloud account and plastered all over the net.

This is also the first time that she directly addresses the controversy and explains why she doesn’t feel like she has anything to apologize for. She hints that the photos were for her ex-boyfriend of 4 years Nicholas Hoult and wants the person behind the hack to be brought to justice, because what they did to her was a “crime.”

However, in between talking about such a serious and still painful event in her life, she also gets a bit silly, as she usually does.

The video below is an interview with the VF reporter that did not make it in print, and is perhaps the best piece of evidence as to why Lawrence is so popular: she’s not just talented, she’s also incredibly relatable. And adorable, and yes, a bit cheesy too.

Jennifer likes to watch bad reality television, including the Kardashians on E! and all the Real Housewives series on Bravo, she likes to keep up with all the “pointless gossip” in Hollywood, and yes, she loves calorie-bombs like the snacks Cool Ranch Doritos.

She’s scared of spiders and ghosts, is a fan of Destiny’s Child, loves Beyonce and Jay and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and doesn’t even dream of going on social media. Basically, Jennifer Lawrence is your average 24-year-old, except for that last part with the social media. And richer.