Reading novels on the mobile phone has been catching ground in the last years

May 28, 2007 09:26 GMT  ·  By

The concept of making books available for reading on mobile phones is an old one. Still, it has never had such a success as that reached in Japan.

The sales of books have considerably declined in the last few years. Actually, reading proves just as successful, only not in the old-fashioned format. Now, Japanese people have found reading novels on their mobile phones to be much more convenient. Such novels are called keitai books, where the word keitai stands for "mobile phone".

The market of books for mobile phones has reached a good turn only lately, as it exists for some time now, but has not managed to find the magic recipe so far. Mica Naitoh, one of the most appreciated mobile phone books provider, says that mystery and romance are the best sold topics.

Until now, publishers tried charming the mobile phone reading public with established authors and even pornography. None of these sold enough copies in order to make it possible to call this new concept a success. The reason for this is that many of the mobile phone readers have never even bought an old-fashioned book. Moreover, the majority of this type of readers is made up of women, who prefer light, but still not too slushy books.

The mobile phone novel market reached an impressive sales number of 60 million by last year. Considering the sustaining format, mobile phone books are meant to be entertaining and also easy to read. Moreover, they offer the kind of lectures that could very well be enjoyed in the subway or while waiting at a supermarket line.

"Deep Love" is the best sold keitai book in Japan. Its story deploys teenage prostitution using erotic and violent situations that contribute to creating a captivating plot. The success in the mobile phone version has made it perfect for turning into a film, a television series and also a manga comic.