Oct 11, 2010 17:31 GMT  ·  By

The Nintendo DS family of handhelds has seen a marked decrease in terms of sales on the Japanese market, coming in behind the PlayStation Portable device when counting individual models, while the Pokemon Black and White video games from Nintendo has managed to still be the biggest selling title in the country.

The PlayStation Portable from Sony also saw a slight decrease in its numbers, coming down to 37,842 units from 38,476, but managed to be the best selling gaming device in Japan.

Second spot went to the Nintendo DSi version, which saw a huge drop, from 49,411 devices sold during the previous week to just 24,937.

Third spot went to the LL version of the same handheld console, also going to about 24,000 in sale but coming down from just 32,777 during the previous seven days period.

The PlayStation 3 is the best selling home gaming console, with sales also registering a slow decline from 20,694 to 20,363.

The Nintendo Wii is continuing its downward trend, reaching 13,360 from 16,908.

The DS Lite is still selling better than the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 2 and the PSP Go in the lower half of the hardware chart.

When it comes to video games the best selling title is, for ther third week running, Pokemon Black and White from Nintendo for the DS, which managed to move 374,589 units to gamers in seven days.

Second spot went to new entry K-On! After School Live!! from SEGA for the PSP, which in its first week sold 170,848 copies with third spot going to another new game, Okamiden from Capcom, also for the DS, with overall sales of 84,472.

Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki from Nihon Falcom for the PSP is in fourth spot while the PlayStation 3 version of Dead Rising 2 from Capcom.

The Xbox 360 version is in sixth place, followed by Black Leopard: A New Tale of Yakuza, Wii Party, Starry Sky: In Summer and Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team.